Alongside taught lessons and resources shared by subject teachers on Microsoft Teams there is a huge collection of online resources provided by different organisations that can be used to further develop knowledge and understanding. We have provided links to several online resources for many subjects and topics taught in school to support the work done in lessons and through Blended Learning.
Information on timetable and rewards can be found on the student portal and parent portal
Parent Portal - My child at school (MCAS)
Below you can find subject specific links. These links will include websites such as Sparx (maths) or Tassomai (science) where class teachers will have set specific home learning tasks based on the content being delivered in lessons.
A range of Art based websites containing useful links, imagery and explanation of both styles and techniques.
The first section is closely connected to the topics covered in Art lessons in school in both keystage 3 and keystage 4.
- Prehistoric Art - https://artincontext.org/prehistoric-art/
- Kandinsky - https://www.wassilykandinsky.net/
- The Bauhaus - https://www.theartstory.org/movement/bauhaus/
- A guide to Pop Art - https://www.riseart.com/guide/2352/guide-to-pop-art
- Drawing bugs - https://johnmuirlaws.com/draw-insects-understanding-drawing-legs/
- Mister Finch - http://www.mister-finch.com/
- The works of Antoni Gaudi - https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/320/gallery/
- The story of cubism - https://www.theartstory.org/movement/cubism/
- Ian Muphy - https://www.ianmurphyartist.com/
- Street Art - https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/games-quizzes/street-art
These are a collection of websites that provide a more general look at Art and the different periods, styles and processes.
- https://www.itsnicethat.com/
- http://www.tate.org.uk/
- https://www.studentartguide.com/
- https://www.ashmolean.org/
- https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/
- https://www.modernartoxford.org.uk/
- https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/series/twenty-photographs-of-the-week
- https://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/
A variety of links for websites with introductions to coding for keystage 3 pupils alongside useful information for students studying computer science in keystage 4.
- W3schools; Learn to code - https://www.w3schools.com/
- Oak Academy - https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-4/subjects/computing
- Craig and Dave tutorials - Links to video on various aspects of computing- https://student.craigndave.org/gcse-ocr-j277-computer-science-videos
- Isaac Computer Science - https://isaaccomputerscience.org/topics?examBoard=ocr&stage=gcse
- Seneca Learning; questions and revision for computer science https://app.senecalearning.com/dashboard/courses/add?Price=Free
- OCR past papers and exemplars - https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/computer-science-j277-from-2020/assessment/
Design and Technology
A collection of websites and links to topics covered in lessons along with wider subject content.
- Technology Student - https://www.technologystudent.com/
- Design and Technology on the web - http://www.design-technology.info/home.htm
- bbc bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zby2bdm
- The Eatwell Guide - https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/food-guidelines-and-food-labels/the-eatwell-guide/
- The Eatwell guide - https://www.food.gov.uk/business-guidance/the-eatwell-guide-and-resources
- Where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating -https://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/
- Jamie Oliver - https://www.jamieoliver.com/
- Bridges and Structures - https://www.britannica.com/technology/bridge-engineering
- The Design Museum - https://designmuseum.org/
- TLS Recipes:
- Year 7
- Year 8
- Year 9
A collection of resources covering texts studied in English along with several concerned with reading and improving reading skills
- Keystage 3 Shakespeare - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zksycdm
- Homework booklets by Garry Hammonds:
- Key Stage 3 - Dahl / Macbeth / Sachar / Dickens / Poe / Orwell / Steinbeck / Romeo and Juliet / Hunger Games
- Key Stage 4 - Creative writing / Nonfiction writing / Poetry – Nature / Personal / Society
- Dropbox files from Susan Strachan
- GCSE English and English Literature resources - Douglas Wise
- Covering a range of English literature topics -Mr Bruff podcasts
- GCSE English resources -The Traditional teacher
- Creative, fun activities to support children's literacy -Love My Books –
- Podcasts about different aspects of English Language or English Literature - Peter Wharmby
- Helps builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum - No Red Ink
- Phonics and reading -Carter's Yard Phonics
A collection of resources to help develop deeper understanding of topics covered in lessons as well as wider geographical knowledge.
- Geography: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/ztp2qty
- Detailed revision on specific topics.https://www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/geography
- Geography A: Past papers and mark schemes can be found at
https://revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/geography/geography-gcse-past-papers/eduqas-gcse-geography-past-papers - Ordinance survey website - Ordinance Survey
A collection of resources to help develop deeper understanding of topics covered in lessons as well as wider historical knowledge.
- BBC Bitesize KS3 History - KS3 History - BBC Bitesize
- Holocaust Education for Year 9 and KS4 - Online resources for students – Centre for Holocaust Education
- Transatlantic Slave Trade - Year 8, 9 and KS4 - The transatlantic slave trade | National Museums Liverpool (liverpoolmuseums.org.uk)
- Historical Association - Information about different time periods- Historical Periods / Student / Historical Association (history.org.uk)
- Eduqas resources - Eduqas Digital Educational Resources
Resources should link to the following components to be useful
1A: Conflict and Upheaval in England: 1337-1381
1H: USA: A Nation of Contrasts 1910-1929
2B: The Development of Germany, 1919-1991
2E: Changes in Crime and Punishment, 500.c - Present day
Hints and tips for 14-16 years olds linking to historical skill and investigation - 14-16 / Student / Historical Association (history.org.uk)
Every pupil has an account generated on Sparx, the expectation is that students will be logging into their account and testing their knowledge of work covered in lessons. You will also find a collection of other resources to help with topics in clouding videos and quizzes
- Sparx creates a weekly set of questions tailored to your level of understanding and learning pace. The questions are designed to be achievable whilst offering the stretch that learners need to make progress.
Each week, topics are set by your maths teacher and will make up the majority of the homework questions. Questions from previous topics will also be included in the homework so you can keep practising the skills you have learned.
Speak to your teacher if you need more information about SPARX - SPARX MATHS
- Videos to watch on topics covered in class - Corbett Maths
- Ninja Maths - Home - Ninja Maths
- Videos to watch on topics covered in class - Mathsgenie
- Online exam practice marks automatically - ONMaths.com
- Free worksheets on many topics - Mathster
MFL - French
A collection of resources supporting reading, writing and speaking in French
- French resources, questions based on work competed in lessons - www.linguascope.com
Username: langleymfl, Password: frenchmfl2
- AQA exam resources for GCSE French - https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-8658/teaching-resources
- A collect of resources to help develop reading writing skills - www.languagesonline.org.uk
- Help to develop your speaking skills - www.memrise.com
- Keystage 3 French from the BBC - KS3 French - BBC Bitesize
- GCSE French - GCSE French - BBC Bitesize
A collection of websites and activities for both Keystage 3 and GCSE music.
- BBC Keystage 3 music - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zmsvr82
- BBC Bitesize revision resources: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zbmct39
- Oak National Academy Keystage 3 Music - https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-3/subjects/music
- Playalongs, performance exercises and more - https://www.musicalfutures.org/age-group/key-stage-3
- Keyboard skills - https://www.musicalcontexts.co.uk/secondary-ks3-unit-keyboard-skills
- Play the ukulele faster - https://ukuleletricks.com/7-tips-to-learn-to-play-ukulele-faster/
- Keystage 3 music quizzes - https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks3/music/
- A focus on sound, resources for KS3 - https://www.focusonsound.com/key-stage-3/
- GCSE revision questions from the exam board: https://resources.eduqas.co.uk/pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=1570
- GCSE revision quiz: https://resources.eduqas.co.uk/pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=716
A selection of links that provide information on physical activity and the importance of fitness. There are ideas for different types of physical fitnes
- Joe Wicks PE videos from lockdown and beyond - PE with Joe Wicks -
- Fun, exercise ideas - Energetic education
- Free, fun activities to get children moving - iMoves
- Yoga videos for children - Cosmic Kids
- What is physical activity - https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/what-physical-activity-fitness
- Exercise and physical activity ideas - https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/Pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=aa165656
A collection of websites that very closely follow the topics covered in both Keystage 3 and 4.
- Key fact about Christianity - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4tb4wx/articles/zk4fxyc
- Matters of life and death - https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/matters-of-life-and-death-da6c
- What happens when we die? - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkdk382/articles/zbgp7nb
- Key facts about Sikhism - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zfjpyrd
- Test your knowledge of Sikhism - https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks3/religious-education/sikhism-01/
- Key facts about Islam - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsdtsbk
- Crime and punishment - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zvs3d2p/revision/4
- Religion and morality - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zwxm97h/revision/1
- Relationships and lifestyle - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zc6rk7h
- Relationships and families - https://theboulevardcentre.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/GCSE-RS-Family-Relationships-Lesson-6.pdf
- Religion and multiculturalism - https://getrevising.co.uk/revision-notes/religion_and_the_multicultural_society
A collection of resources to develop further understanding of science. Many of these links will provide information that is closely linked to lessons covered in school.
- SECECA Learning for Science - SENECA learning (science)
- Tassomai science for Telford Langley school - Tassomai
- BBC KS3 science - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zng4d2p
- BBC Bytesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zyxyvwx
- Keystage 4 revision - Apps | CGP Books
- GCSE Biology revision - Biology paper 1 revision tasks.pptx - Google Drive
- GCSE equations and formulas - 23 Equations
- Royal Institution - Activities and resources | Royal Institution (rigb.org)
- James Dyson foundation - JDF_with cover challenge-cards_DIGITAL.pdf (jamesdysonfoundation.co.uk)