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Telford Langley School is host to a highly regarded School Sport Partnership which is instrumental in developing high quality sport and physical education opportunities for young people and their families across the Telford & Wrekin area. At the core of our delivery, we provide a comprehensive annual programme for our partner primary and secondary schools covering sports coaching, competitions, sports festivals, young leader qualifications, leadership and volunteering academies and teacher training.

We assist our partner schools to undertake audits to determine the needs of the schools, staff and young people and we subsequently offer advice to ensure primary schools utilise their sport premium funding effectively. Through undertaking audits and consulting with our partner schools, we offer a needs driven service for PE and School Sport across our network which includes planning and delivering an annual CPD programme for teaching and support staff, offering curriculum advice and providing sustainable school-club links to enhance the provision of after school sports clubs.

Working with our external such as the Youth Sports Trust, Energize Active Partnership and community sports providers we are responsible for the delivery of the Government’s School Games and Change 4 Life strategies across the district. We have created a sustainable and inclusive annual calendar of Inter and Intra School Games competitions. Moreover, we work closely with Telford’s primary and secondary school PE associations to ensure talented young participants and leaders are identified and signposted towards opportunities to further develop their talent. Telford Langley School has delivered training and guidance to support partner schools in establishing Change 4 Life Sport Clubs that are aimed at engaging less active young people in lifelong physical activity.

Furthermore, Telford Langley School is proud to be a Barclays FA Girls’ Football School Partnership hub site whose aim is to build a sustainable infrastructure of schools committed to developing the girls’ game. We have recently been tasked by the England Rugby Football Union to run one of only two national pilot projects aimed at increasing Rugby Union participation in schools.