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Emotional Health and Wellbeing

     What is mental health?

  • We all have mental health. Your mental health affects how you feel, think and act. It refers to your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. Your mental health can change and fluctuate on a daily basis and over time, and can be affected by a range of factors
  • At The Telford Langley School we recognise how important it is for students to look after their mental health, in the same way that they look after their physical health. Our state of wellbeing affects how we cope with stress, relate to others, make sensible choices and get on with our family, friends and people that we work with.
  • As a school, our core value of Ensuring Excellence runs through everything we do. As such we work hard to provide an environment that supports students in positively managing their mental health.

How We Support Good Mental Health

Our students spend a significant amount of time with us in school which means that staff are in a good position to identify children who may be struggling, and refer them to get the support they need.

Our SEND department help children develop their social and emotional skills, giving them the tools they need to understand and manage their thoughts and feelings. We teach health and wellbeing through both PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education) and throughout our broader curriculum.

We are fortunate to have a school Counsellor, who runs programmes to support students’ mental health and wellbeing. Our experienced pastoral team will refer students who need support as well as acting as mentors, providing advice to parents and signposting external support services.

CAT Mental Health Provision

The Community Academies Trust is committed to providing a mental health and well-being provision in all CAT Schools.

Click here to access the CAT Mental Health and Well Being provision for CAT Schools July 2021 release 

Help & Support


Alcohol & Drug support

The Base – drug and alcohol support service for people up to 21yrs old and support for parents and carers. They also have a Hidden Harm Project providing support for young people who have concerns about parent /carers struggling with drug/alcohol issues


Child Bereavement UK - supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement
Childhood Bereavement Network - is the hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK
CRUSE – Bereavement support for families 0808 8081677
HOPE AGAIN - for young people
Winston’s Wish – Online and telephone bereavement support for young people (Freephone: 08088 020021)


Bullying UK – Part of Family Lives providing advice and support around bullying for all ages
Ditch the Label – is one of the largest anti- bullying charities in the world, working endlessly to end bullying and to support young people aged 12-25


Emerging minds - mental health and the coronavirus
Young Minds - coronavirus and mental health for young people who are worried
Mind - have released details for parents worried about corona virus and mental health
The Young Minds A-Z - a wide-range of areas including anxiety, anger, gender identity, divorce, self-esteem and much more.
Young Minds Parent Contact - includes a telephone number as well as contact form
He's extraordinary - Helping children understand coronavirus
Millfields Hackney - Coronavirus social stories
Elsa Support - Coronavirus
Mental Health - Adult Wellbeing
BBC - Coronavirus, how to protect your mental health

Eating disorders

B-EAT – Website providing advice and support for eating disorders

General websites

NSPCC – Supporting young people in every area of their lives; 0808 800 5000
Samaritans - is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline 0800 116 123
Child Line – 24/7 support service via phone and online chat; 0800 1111

mental health

Anna Freud - is a children's charity dedicated to providing training & support for child mental health services
Build Sound Minds – is a campaign for improving young people's emotional wellbeing. They offer advice on how to support children and personal self-care. Explores how to help children understand their feelings, and what they can do to manage them
Butterflies – Mental Health Support Group for females ages 11+ to 15 in addition to adults
Epic Friends - Mental health issues with young people are common. This site is all about helping young people help their friends who might be struggling to cope emotionally
Healthy Place – A website providing information about various mental health issues
KOOTH – Free, safe and anonymous online counselling support for 11+
Luke’s Lads – Mental Health Support groups for males ages 11+ to 15 in addition to adults
Mental Health Foundation - is a UK charity, whose mission is "to help people to thrive through understanding, protecting, and sustaining their mental health
Mind – The mental health charity providing support and advice
MindEd - Online courses around different mental health issues and support for families;
Mood Juice - a website with self-help resources supporting young people’s emotional and mental wellbeing
National Self Harm Network – Providing resources and a forum to support people who self-harm
NHS Self-help Leaflets – Self-help leaflets covering a variety of mental wellbeing issues
Young Minds – The UK’s leading mental health charity supporting young people and families

support for students with send

ADHD Foundation - The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity is an integrated health and education service offering a unique lifespan - strength based service, for the 1 in 5 people who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers – Publishing website with resources for autism and other related conditions
National Autistic Society
OCD UK – The national OCD charity, run by and for people with lived experience of OCD
Raising an Extraordinary Person – Supporting families of young people with autism and ADHD

young minds - supporting you through coronavirus

Young Minds - Cornavirus advice and mental health support. Visit the Young Minds advice page if you are struggling with self-isolation, coronavirus and the impact it has on your mental health.


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