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In line with our ethos, The Telford Langley School is committed to providing the best possible education for our students, ensuring equal opportunities for all. Our intention is that each student feels valued and supported and our emphasis on building excellent working relationships with students is a key feature in the way in which we promote excellent attendance.

For any student to meet their full potential academically, a high level of attendance is crucial. The school regards attendance and punctuality of pupils as a priority, with a view to encouraging high attendance rates and avoiding concerning levels of persistent or intermittent absenteeism. Our aim is to ensure the highest possible levels of attendance for all, in order to enable every student to take full advantage of the educational opportunities, both academic and social, which are available to them.

If for any reason your child is ill and is unable to attend school, please telephone our Attendance Line on 01952 386700, option 1 before 8.25am on the day of the absence and every subsequent day of absence with details of the illness.  There is a service to leave a message should the line be busy.

Alternatively, you can send a message via MCAS 

If we do not receive any correspondence from you, we may complete a home visit.

What does the law say?

All children of compulsory school age, between 5-16, must receive a suitable full-time education.  As a parent, you are responsible for ensuring that this happens, either by registering your child at a school or by making appropriate alternative arrangements.

Once you have registered your child at a school, you are also legally responsible for ensuring that your child attends school regularly. If you fail to do this – even if your child misses school without you knowing – legal action can be taken against you by the Local Authority.  It is a legal offence to fail to ensure your child attends school regularly.

Don’t underestimate the importance of 100 percent attendance. Even one day missed can have a negative effect on learning:

Five minutes late each day means three school days missed

Attendance over five school years
85 – 90%
Equivalent of over 19 weeks of absence = ½ a year of absence from school
Equivalent of 39 weeks of absence = a full year of absence from school
1 day a week absent
Equivalent of over three years missed over school career
10 days holiday a year
Equivalent of two whole terms of education missed over school career
15 minutes late a day
Equivalent of two terms of education missed over school career
½ day a week absent in Years 10 and 11
Can mean the loss of one grade for every Level 2 (GCSE or vocational) course taken



All general dental, doctor and optician appointments should be made outside the school day or in the school holidays. Orthodontist and hospital appointments that cannot be made outside the school day will be authorised if supported by official evidence, e.g. letter, appointment card from the relevant orthodontist or hospital.  We ask that your child takes the minimum amount of time off for these appointments, returning to school promptly and does not take the whole day off.

Leave in Term Time

The Government issued the following regulations in September 2006 regarding Leave of Absence: The Education (Pupil Regulations) (England) Regulations 2006 as amended by Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. These regulations stipulate the following:

  • The Headteacher shall not grant any Leave of Absence during term time unless they consider there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
  • Parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must establish that there are exceptional circumstances, and the Head of School must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.
  • Head of Schools will determine how many school days a child may be absent from school if the leave is granted.
  • Applications for Leave of Absence must be made in advance and failure to do so will result in the absence being unauthorised.
  • Applications for Leave of Absence which are made in advance and refused will result in the absence being unauthorised which may result in legal action against the parent, by Fixed Penalty Notice issued by Telford and Wrekin, if the child is absent from school during that period.
  • A Fixed Penalty Notice fine of £60 per child per parent will be issued. The fine will increase to £120 per child per parent if not paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the £120 within the period of 22 to 28 days may lead to court proceedings.
  • If a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued and is not paid within the time frame set out in that Notice, the matter will be referred to Telford and Wrekin Attendance Support Team to consider instigating criminal prosecution proceedings under S444 of Education Act 1996.
  • Each application for a Leave of Absence will be considered on a case-by-case basis and on its own merits.

      Attendance and Punctuality Policy
      Is too my child too ill for school NHS link