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Consultation on proposed change to the times of the start and end of the school day, at The Telford Langley School

You may be aware of the government expectation that all mainstream state-funded schools should provide a school week of at least 32.5 hours by September 2023. Due to our staggered and shortened lunch/breaktimes our school week is currently 30.84 hours.

We will also be reviewing the pattern of the school day within the start and end times, but we wanted to begin this consultation as early as possible to enable people to make arrangements for the academic year 2023-24, should the change be implemented.

The proposal is therefore that:

  • The start of the school day will change to 8.30pm
  • The end of the school will change to 3.00pm

Please be reassured that our commitment to breakfast club and extra-curricular clubs/activities will remain alongside any changes to the school day.

We welcome your engagement in this discussion. If you have a view on the proposal, please email

 This consultation will end at 12pm on Friday 14th October, and we will inform all stakeholders of the outcome of the consultation as soon as possible after this date.