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Ensuring Excellence

Important Notice for Year 10 Mock Exams

Mock exams play a crucial role in the academic journey of Year 10 students, serving as a valuable rehearsal for the real exams they will face in the future. These exams help students gauge their understanding of the subjects, identify areas needing improvement, and build the stamina required for the actual examination period. Moreover, mock exams provide an opportunity to experience the pressure of timed assessments, which can significantly enhance time management skills and exam techniques.

To make the most of mock exams, students need to familiarise themselves with several key procedures. First, it's essential to understand the exam timetable and arrive at the examination hall on time, fully equipped with necessary materials such as pens, pencils, rulers, calculators, and any other subject-specific tools. Adhering to the dress code and maintaining a quiet, respectful demeanour throughout the exam period is also important.

During the exam, students should carefully read all instructions and allocate their time wisely to ensure they can attempt every question. It's crucial to stay calm and focused, even if they encounter difficult questions, and to use any remaining time at the end to review their answers. Understanding and following these procedures not only prepares students for the logistics of exam day but also builds confidence and competence, setting them up for success in their academic pursuits.



Headteachers Welcome to the Telford Langley School

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It is an absolute honour to have been appointed Headteacher of The Telford Langley School. Hav­ing been part of the school community since 2014, I have seen how committed pupils, staff and governors are to the ethos and values of ‘Ensuring Excellence’ at every level. As part of Commu­nity Academies Trust, we are very fortunate to work as a partnership of schools to share effective, sustainable strategies to benefit our pupils.

Our pupils are provided with a wide-ranging and stimulating curriculum. Skilful and dedicated teaching staff work with pupils at every level to provide an effective and inclusive learning envi­ronment. We aim to ensure that pupils are lifelong learners who are fully prepared for their fu­ture. We promote high aspirations and do everything we can to ensure that pupils go on to the ambitious destinations that they deserve.

It is important for every pupil to have the opportunity to ‘let their light shine’. Whether this on the sports field, as part of a school production or any other enrichment opportunity we offer, we want pupils to feel valued and recognised for their talents. Our extensive facilities enable pupils to access state-of-the-art resources as part of their lessons, but also through the extensive en­richment activities offered after school.

We place a clear focus on the importance of reading as part of our curriculum, but also as a fun­damental, transferable life skill. Our Learning Resource Centre is a welcoming space with a wealth of literature for all abilities and interests. We aim to support our pupils to be confident readers and we reward both their engagement and progress with this.

At The Telford Langley School we aim to provide a stimulating learning environment where chil­dren are engaged and challenged, not only to achieve their very best, but also to enjoy and develop a thirst for learning. We educate our children so that they learn how to keep themselves and others safe. Alongside our house system, we focus on building strong relationships in an in­clusive community. ‘You Matter, We Care’ is the central message around how we approach pasto­ral support for all our pupils.

We want the very best for our pupils and we aim to work in partnership with our parents, carers and the wider community to achieve this. We warmly welcome you to join us.

Mrs E Blount






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